No matter the shape, it is the cut that is important. The proportions, symmetry and polish determine the way light travels and creates the unique sparkle that has tantalised man and especially womankind. It is this brilliance that initiated and continues to motivate Moxie.
Apart from fancy colour diamonds, the more colourless the diamond, the more expensive. The less brown or yellow, the better the grading, ranging from D being the whitest to Z. Subtle colour distinctions between the gradings result in not-so-subtle price difference.
Fancy colour diamonds have a distinct colour and may be, amongst others, red, blue, green, pink, or yellow. Truly yellow diamonds are rare and valuable and are graded Light Fancy Yellow; Fancy Yellow; and Intense Fancy Yellow. In the old days these were called “Canaries”. The more intense the colour, the pricier. Lab-grown diamonds are making fancy colours a more affordable option and giving Moxie more vibrant colours to play with.
Diamonds are graded under 10 x magnification and range from flawless (FL) to I3 depending on the amount and severity of flaws or imperfections known as inclusions
Flawless- No blemishes no inclusions
Internally Flawless- Insignificant surface blemishes, no inclusions IF
VVS- Very, Very Slightly Included Minute inclusions that are difficult to see VVS1 to VVS2
VS- Very Slightly Included Minor inclusions which are easier to see VS1 – VS2
SI- Slightly Included Noticeable inclusions not visible to naked eye SI1-SI2
I- Included Obvious inclusions visible to naked eye I1-I3
The name for the unit of measurement for gemstones comes from the carob seed. Early gem traders used the small seeds which had a fairly uniform weight as counterweights for their scales.
One carat equals 0.2 grams. Because of price, precision is important and caratage may be measured to the thousandth of a carat (ct) and rounded up to the nearest hundred if the thousandth digit is nine. 1.569 to 1.57 or one carat fifty seven. A one pointer is a hundredth of a carat or 0.01.
A two carat diamond is not twice the size of a one carat diamond, however it is double the weight.
Other C’s: Creativity and Choice
Moxie can provide you with white and coloured sparklers. We would like to give you choices by sharing our creativity and offering you the type of “C’s” that will make YOU sparkle.

REFERENCE: 18/09/22 17/09/22 18/09/22 18/09/22